China’s Bug Eating Industry


Producer, Correspondent

An in-depth investigation into the past, present, and future of insect eating across China.


American foodies are finally embracing real Chinese food

Quartz News

Producer, Correspondent

Earlier waves of Chinese immigrants to the United States often opened restaurants as a way of getting by; their lower socioeconomic status placed Chinese cuisine at the bottom of what food studies scholars refer to as the “hierarchy of taste.” But the young, upwardly mobile restaurateurs behind these newly-opened eateries are more concerned with self-expression than survival. It’s changing how Chinese food is perceived in America, and ultimately may reshape Americans’ ideas about taste.


Can we beat the flu?

Quartz News

Producer, Correspondent

Quartz News explores the never-ending fight to stop a mysterious, frequently misunderstood virus: the flu. Influenza has taken tens of millions of lives in the past century, and it’s still a serious threat today. Last year the virus killed 80,000 people in the United States alone. There is a vaccine. So why are we so often apathetic about getting vaccinated every year?


Taiwan’s Funeral Feasts


Producer, Correspondent

In the West, funeral catering is often limited to soggy fruit plates and cold-cut sandwiches. But that's not the case in Taiwan, where classic local delicacies like pork buns, fried chicken, and sashimi are on the menu, and the pallbearers get buzzed on rice-wine-heavy chicken soup. Held in honor of the deceased, these funeral feasts are prepared by traditional "village chefs" who specialize in ban-doh—outdoor banquets for community occasions ranging from weddings, births, and funerals to elections and festivals.


Chinese Cricket Fighting

VICE Sports


So, how does cricket fighting work exactly? VICE Sports went to the Annual Cricket Fighting Championship in Beijing, China to find out. Prepare to learn all about one of China's most curious cultural traditions and the people who keep it alive.
